Improvements to Holly Hill Woodland Park and cemetery extension.
Launched the Friends of Bursledon Brickworks to being about the preservation of the brickworks museum and awarded grants for many projects on the site.
Implemented environmental improvement programmes at Middle Road, Park Gate, Sarisbury Green and Swanwick Shore.
Successfully campaigned for many traffic regulation orders (speed limits, yellow lines, weight limits, etc) around the area to improve road safety.
Campaigned, eventually successfully, for mains drainage to be completed in Sarisbury at a time when many of the properties were still on cesspit drainage.
Campaigned successfully for mains gas to be installed in Burridge.
Intimately involved in the planning consent and conditions for the NATS Swanwick Air Traffic Control Centre which brought about the preservation of the Bursledon Brickworks as well as producing Swanwick Lakes Nature Reserve and providing pavements the whole length of Swanwick Lane. The alternative scheme was for a large industrial estate.
Resisted housebuilding on the Coldeast Hospital site for decades until a proper plan could be produced which saw the great majority of the countryside come into the ownership of Fareham Borough Council allowing a high-quality development on the site of the former hospital buildings as well as providing Coldeast Park and Holly Hill Leisure Centre, play area and sports pitches. Fought for the retention of Coldeast Mansion which has now been refurbished and opened to the public as an events and dining venue.
Trees are incredibly important. Had blanket tree preservation orders placed on all trees on the Coldeast site as well as the lower reaches of Holly Hill Lane in Sarisbury Court
Successfully achieved a 7.5 ton weight limit except for access on Swanwick Lane as well as a complete ban on 7.5 ton and above lorries passing between Yew Tree Drive and Botley Road. Also had traffic calming placed on Swanwick Lane, Yew Tree Drive, Sweethills Crescent and Botley Road.
Proposed the designation of Sarisbury Green and Swanwick Shore as Conservation Areas and has worked hard to see improvements to these precious areas implemented over the years.
Fought for many years to get the Fareham Community Hospital built. Continues to fight to get the wonderful building fully utilised and to achieve a minor injury treatment unit, maternity beds and care of the elderly beds.
Worked hard with environmental health officers to finally eradicate the “Burridge Pong” which annoyed locals for many years and emanated from the former Vero poultry sheds.
Achieved improved traffic management around Park Gate including the roundabouts and Botley Road and Station Road.
Overseen the development of the Whiteley community ensuring that community facilities such as schools and a community centre, shops and medical facilities as well as high quality parks and open spaces have been provided.
Campaigned for many new leisure facilities including the building of Holly Hill Leisure Centre, Whiteley Community Centre, Portchester Community Centre, refurbishment of Fareham Leisure Centre and the creation of Burridge Village Hall.
Launched Sarisbury Community Speedwatch which has a team of fantastic volunteers helping to keep our roads safe from speeding drivers. Set up Fareham Road Safety Council. Had flashing speed indicator signs placed on Botley Road, Swanwick Lane and Yew Tree Drive.
Served for many years as a school governor on Sarisbury Infant, Sarisbury Junior and Brookfield Schools
Was instrumental in lobbying for safe controlled crossings on Botley Road, Park Gate, Barnes Lane, Sarisbury, Bridge Road, Sarisbury and Yew Tree Drive, Whiteley all to help provide safe routes to school and for all residents to use.
Set up Whiteley Community Association and Burridge Community Association.
Campaigned successfully to keep fluoride out of our public water supply.
Campaigned for a law change to make trespass with caravans on public land a criminal offence.
Regularly urges police to enforce obstructive and selfish pavement parking.
Protection for Sarisbury Green as a WW1 Field In Trust.
Promoted improvements to M27 junction 9.
Sourced and fund raised for “Seán” the Y-services youth services bus.
Helped launch Whiteley Youth Club – THREE times!
Launched anti-litter campaign – No More Rubbish Excuses!
Started a traditional Armistice Day service at Sarisbury Green on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.
Launched crackdown on abandoned and SORN vehicles illegally parked on our roads.
Initiated and implemented a ‘systems thinking’ approach throughout all Council departments, resulting in better services for all service users including council tenants by removing waste and reducing costs which has enabled us to keep council tax at a low level.
Always implemented zero or low Council Tax increases.
Set up Community Action Teams in Fareham to exchange information with residents and to answer all their questions.
Enabled the provision of the 1st Sarisbury Scout Hut at Burridge – Dave’s Lodge.
Implemented a major council house building programme.
Introduction of Fareham Community Lottery
As a Patron has given much support to the Friends of Fareham Community Hospital.
Persuaded Hampshire County Council to provide boardwalk access to Whiteley Primary School.
Persuaded Fareham Borough Council to allocate funds to build a skatepark on the Winchester side of Whiteley.
Proposed the refurbishment/replacement of all children’s playgrounds in the Sarisbury and across the Borough.
Campaigned successfully to bring broadband to Whiteley.
Campaigning hard to improve access to GP services including meeting with local GPs and NHS Hampshire to advocate for complainants and to agree action with Meon Group (Whiteley Surgery) to get an improvement package in place.
Allocated over £100m to road improvement schemes in Fareham.
Removed proposed residential development at Rookery Farm from Fareham’s Local Plan.
Proposed the Welborne garden community north of Fareham which wil provide 6,000 high quality new homes and jobs for our community along with 3 primary schools, a secondary school, health facilities and huge amounts of public open space.
Developed the vision for Solent Airport @ Daedalus as a thriving GA airport and business parks with dozens of businesses and hundreds of jobs.
Proposed the purchase of Fareham Shopping Centre, now completed, which will enable the Council to bring about the regeneration for Fareham Town Centre.
Overseen the Fareham Live project to provide an amazing arts and entertainment complex in Fareham town centre to be enjoyed for generations to come.
Introduced the InTouch newsletter which is now by far the longest running community newsletter in Fareham Borough, produced quarterly for four decades.
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