November 2014

12 November 2014

Green cars are go in Fareham

Fareham Borough Council is helping support the development of ultra-low emission vehicles by installing an Electric Vehicle Charge point in Civic Way’s North Car park. The installation is part of a Hampshire County Council initiative to provide a network of charge points across Hampshire.

Conservative Councillor Seán Woodward, Hampshire County Council’s Executive Member for Economy, Transport and Environment said “Hampshire County Council Is delighted to be able to roll out electric vehicle charge points across the county. The charge point can power up an electric vehicle in as little as 30 minutes; providing enough charge for 100 miles of travel with the cost varying between £5-7 depending on a vehicles charge capacity. Parking in the designated charging bays, for up to 1 hour, whilst the charge is taking place is free. With running costs like these it is easy to see why more people are buying electric vehicles.”

Councillor Keith Evans , Executive member for Planning and Development at Fareham Borough Council said “Electric vehicles and hybrids are becoming more popular and we felt it important that people living and working in Fareham were not put off from owning a ‘green car’ due to a lack of charging facilities.”Different cars have different connections. The rapid charge points in Civic Way have three different types of connection and are able to charge a range of models including; BWM, VW, Audi, Ford, General Motors, Porsche, Nissan, Citroen, Mistubishi, Peugeot, Renault and Kangoo.Executive member for Pubic Protection and Chairman of the Councils internal steering group for Air Quality Management,

Cllr Trevor Cartwright has said ‘Zero or ultra-low emission vehicles have the potential to reduce air pollution and help tackle climate change. As part of their mission to promote the uptake of electric cars The Office for Low Emission Vehicles has funded 75% of the project, Fareham Council have been happy to support the Fareham installation which has also been made possible by the assistance of SSE (Southern Electric).’So far Hampshire County Council has installed 7 rapid charge points around Hampshire.

You can find out the locations at

To sign up for a top up charge card to use the new charge point in Fareham visit


11 November 2014

Government inspector opens Fareham planning examination

A Government Inspector will today (November 11) open a second Independent examination of Fareham Council planning policy that could have implications for development sites across the whole Borough.

David Hogger, who chaired the Welborne Plan Examination last month, will hear representations from the Council, individual residents and development companies over the next two weeks before deciding whether Fareham’s Development Sites and Policies Plan is sound or not.The Council is proposing to allocate brownfield or undeveloped sites within the boundaries of the Borough’s existing urban areas, including key sites within Fareham Town Centre, for housing.Housing developers, many of which are likely to be giving evidence during the examination, are keen to build thousands of new houses on greenfield sites in the borough south of the M27.

Fareham Council Executive Leader, Conservative Cllr Seán Woodward said: “We in common with other local authorities are required to make sufficient land available for new housing. Fareham’s Development Sites and Policies Plan is designed to ensure that, in addition to Welborne, development in the Borough is directed at largely brownfield sites including in Fareham Town Centre and within urban areas that would benefit from regeneration.

Fareham’s existing Core Strategy sets out the borough’s housing requirements for the period to 2026. In addition to the 6,000 homes to be provided at Welborne, the strategy requires 3,729 dwellings to be provided in the remainder of the borough in the period 2006 to 2026. As we are already 8 years into that period the majority of these dwellings have already been built or have planning permission.

“Fareham is under siege from developers and many of our most sensitive areas of countryside, including strategic gaps, between our town and our villages, largely south of the M27, are under their control and they are fighting hard to get them allocated for housing.”

“If the Council’s plan is found sound it will considerably strengthen our hand in resisting the development of many countryside locations across the borough.”


Notes to Editors:

The new sites that Fareham Council is proposing to allocate for housing development as part of the Development Sites and Policies Plan are:

Croft House, Redlands Lane, Fareham.
Hope Lodge, Fareham Park Road, Fareham.
Former Community Facilities, Wynton Way, Fareham.
Land between 335 and 357 Gosport Road, Fareham.
Fareham College Site, Fareham.
Land at Heath Road, Locks Heath.
Land at Stubbington Lane, Hill Head.
Land at Sea Lane, Hill Head.
Genesis Centre, Locks Heath.
Rear of Coldeast Close, Sarisbury.
Land to rear of 123 Bridge Road, Park Gate.
Civic Area, Fareham.
Market Quay Fareham.
Fareham Station West, Fareham.
Land to the rear of Red Lion Hotel, East Street and Bath Lane Car Park, Fareham.
Maytree Road, Fareham.
The sites outside the existing settlement boundaries currently being considered for housing by developers across the Borough, and which could be discussed during the Examination, are:

North and South of Funtley Road
Land at Holly Hill Lane, Sarisbury
West of Moraunt Drive, Portchester
Peak Lane Nurseries, Peak Lane, Fareham
Posbrook Lane, Titchfield
The Navigator, Lower Swanwick
Brook Avenue, Warsash
East of Newgate Lane
North of Cranleigh Road, Portchester
East of Bye Road, Lower Swanwick
Cartwright Drive, Titchfield
69 Botley Road, Park Gate
South of Oakcroft Lane, Stubbington
Village Inn, Botley Road
Hope Lodge, Fareham
Land off Greenaway Lane, Warsash
Land off St Margarets Lane, Titchfield
Newlands (south of Longfield Avenue), Fareham

4 November 2014

Hear about public inquiry appeal for land next to Navigator pub

The Western Wards Community Action Team (CAT) meeting will take place on Friday 7 November at Sarisbury Green Community Centre from 7pm – 8.30pm.

Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council, Conservative Cllr Seán Woodward said: “At this meeting residents will get to hear an update on the public inquiry into the refused planning application for housing next to the Navigator Pub at Lower Swanwick.”There will also be the chance to see the designs for the Western Wards Leisure Centre and residents will have the opportunity to give their comments on the plans.At the end of the meeting residents will be able to raise any concerns or issues they may have with their local ward councillors.For more information visit