31 October 2016
Who’s your hero?
Fareham Borough Council is asking residents to nominate their hero for the Citizen and Young Citizen of Honour Awards 2017.
The Council runs the awards every year to honour and recognise residents who have made a difference to the lives of local people.
There are three age categories; 4-11 years, 12-17 years and 18+. Nominations can be for showing outstanding bravery, volunteering, helping others at school or college or for having done something else that they think is amazing.
Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council, Cllr Seán Woodward, said: “We’re asking residents to nominate their very own hero. It could be someone who has been caring for an individual with a debilitating condition or someone who gives unpaid voluntary service to the community. Whatever it is, we want to hear about it. Nothing is too small!”
Winners will receive invitations to:
- The Mayor Making ceremony in May with two guests, to receive their award badges from the outgoing Mayor
- A reception with the new Mayor to receive Citizen of Honour certificates
- The Mayor’s Civic Service and Remembrance Day Service
- A family ticket for the Gala Performance of the Pantomime held at Ferneham Hall.
The closing date for nominations is 31 January 2017. Those who are nominated must be resident in Fareham and, if you are nominating someone, you can’t be a family member.
For more information and to nominate your Citizen of Honour for 2017, please visit www.fareham.gov.uk/citizenawards or contact the Communications Team on 01329 236100.
13 October 2016
Tell us what you think of our Council Tax Support Scheme
Fareham Borough Council would like to hear what residents think of the current Council Tax Support Scheme and some small proposed changes in a consultation running until Tuesday 22 November 2016.
Council Tax Support helps people on a low income to pay their Council Tax. If someone is entitled to it, then it is paid as a reduction in their Council Tax bill.
The Council is proposing a new Council Tax Support Scheme from 1 April 2017 which is the same as the current scheme but with a few minor changes that reflect the amendments the Government have made to other welfare benefits:
- Reduce the amount of time a claim for Council Tax Support can be backdated from 6 months to 1 month
- Reduce the amount of time a claimant can stay outside of Great Britain from 13 weeks to 4 weeks before their Council Tax Support stops
- Use the allowances set by Government for other welfare benefits when working out the applicable amounts (how much claimants need to live on each week).
Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council, Cllr Seán Woodward said: “Before we introduce some slight changes to the Council Tax Support Scheme we would like to know what residents think. This will help us ensure that we continue to protect the most vulnerable claimants.”
Complete the survey at www.fareham.gov.uk/consultations by Tuesday 22 November 2016. You can also get a paper copy at the Council’s Civic Offices.
11 October 2016
New leisure centre makes a splash with an Olympic opening
Holly Hill Leisure Centre has been officially opened by Olympic gold medal winning swimmer, Adam Peaty (10th October 2016).
The £9m facility in Sarisbury boasts a 25 metre pool with six swimming lanes and learner pool, a state of the art gym, exercise room and dance studio.
School children took part in games and activities in the pool with Adam. Adam commented:
“Although it might be hard to believe, I was actually scared of water when I was younger, but I know how important it is that we educate more people about the health and safety benefits of swimming, especially those who live in coastal areas such as Fareham. I think the pool here at Holly Hill Leisure Centre will go a long way in helping to do that. It’s also at local pools like these where future athletes are discovered and, for me, it’s very exciting to think that could happen here at Holly Hill.
The centre itself looks great and one both Fareham Borough Council and Everyone Active should be very proud of. Thank you so much for having me here today and for giving me the opportunity to be one of the first to try out these fantastic new facilities.”
Executive Member for Leisure and Community, Councillor Sue Bell, said: “I’m delighted that Holly Hill Leisure Centre is now open. This is the culmination of a project which began after our suggestion, strongly supported by residents, that we needed another swimming pool in the Borough. It was fantastic to see Adam Peaty interacting with the children and inspiring people to get fit and active. With our two leisure centres in the Borough we now have plenty of opportunities to do so!”
A special plaque was unveiled at the centre by Adam and the Mayor of Fareham, Cllr Connie Hockley, to mark the occasion. Holly Hill Leisure Centre was designed and built by Balfour Beatty, who built the Aquatic Centre for the 2012 London Olympics. The centre will be run on the Council’s behalf by Everyone Active.
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