29th July 2015
Daedalus Vision consultation takes flight
Fareham Borough Council has launched its draft Daedalus Vision consultation and is encouraging people to have their say until 23 September.
The draft vision explains how we see the future for the land we own at Daedalus and includes:
Our objectives for the site and how we intend to achieve these
The types of development and businesses we would like to see in Daedalus
We would like you to read the draft Daedalus Vision and Outline Strategy and to give your comments online http://www.fareham.gov.uk/consultations
There will also be an exhibition where you can view our plans and talk to Council Officers on Thursday 3 September between 1pm and 7pm. This will be followed the same evening by a Special Community Action Team (CAT) meeting running from 7pm until 8:30pm. Both events will be held at Holy Rood Church, Gosport Road, Stubbington.
Conservative Cllr Seán Woodward, Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council, said: “Daedalus airfield is a vital asset to our community and it is important to ensure that we make the most of it in a way that serves the present and future needs of both businesses and residents. I would encourage people to comment online and to come along to the exhibition and Special CAT meeting to find out more.”
We will take into account your comments and make any changes to the vision needed before publishing the final version in the autumn.
Direct Link to Vision and Outline strategy
To find out more about business and investment opportunities at Daedalus you can contact any member of the Council’s Estates team:
Tel: 01329 824578
Email: daedalusenquiries@fareham.gov.uk
Post: Estates Services
Fareham Borough Council
Civic Offices
Civic Way
PO16 7AZ
28 July 2015
Calling all Entrepreneurs
Free enterprise talks and support sessions for small local businesses and budding entrepreneurs will take place at Ferneham Hall on Monday 3 August.
Building on the success of last month’s first session, August will feature Robert Briggs, an expert on business compliance/trading standards and Suzii Fido, with guidance on internet marketing & Google.
Fareham Council has teamed up with small businesses experts Enterprise First who will run and host the events which were launched in the wake of the ‘Fareham First for Business’ free business training and mentoring scheme held in March of this year.
Each month, two expert speakers will share their knowledge, provide tips, advice and answer questions on a variety of relevant topics all necessary to running a thriving business.
Enterprise First Business Adviser, Julie Easterbrook says: “Attendance at the first event was good and there was a varied mix of business types. There seems to be a real appetite for this service and all who attended said they found it useful and interesting.”
Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council, Conservative Cllr Seán Woodward says: “These sessions provide a real opportunity for business owners to gain valuable knowledge for free, and possibly build new links by networking with other business owners. I would urge people to try to put aside some time to go along if they can.”
The early evening sessions will take place between 6pm and 7:30pm.
Free tea and coffee will be provided and there will be an opportunity for networking with other attendees. We anticipate strong support for these events and would encourage early booking, please therefore register your attendance prior to the event at:
For further information, please contact: julie.easterbrook@enterprisefirst.co.uk
9 July 2015
Last chance to quiz Councillor Woodward this summer
Last chance to attend the final Community Action Team meeting of the summer!
The Titchfield CAT Meeting will take place on Tuesday 14 July from 7.00pm to 8.30pm at Titchfield Community Centre.
Residents will get to hear a presentation by Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council, Cllr Seán Woodward, about initiatives taking place across the Borough and to ask him any questions they may have. They will also receive an update from the local police.
Chairman of the CAT, Conservative Cllr Seán Woodward said: “I would encourage residents to come along to the meeting to hear about what’s going on in Titchfield and to talk to their local councillors. You will also have an opportunity to find out more about the proposed A27 Improvements as there will be exhibition boards on display at the meeting.”
More information about CATs can be found online at www.fareham.gov.uk/cats or by emailing cats@fareham.gov.uk
3 July 2015
Draft vision for Daedalus open for discussion
Our vision is for Daedalus to become a premier location for aviation, aerospace engineering and advanced manufacturing businesses, creating many skilled employment opportunities for local people, which is underpinned by a vibrant and sustainable airfield.
Building on the existing general aviation uses, the airfield will be an attractive destination for visiting aircraft and will offer the hangars, facilities and services to attract more corporate and commercial aviation activities, allowing it to be self-sustaining in the medium term and contribute positively to the medium term and contribute positively to the local community.
Following months of work to prepare a framework for articulating the future direction of Daedalus Airfield, Fareham Borough Council has today published its draft Vision and outline strategy ahead of the document being considered by the meeting of the Executive on Monday 13 July.
A period of consultation will commence over the summer and early autumn, during which time residents and interested will have an opportunity to put forward views of their own and respond to the draft Vision and outline strategy as it currently stands.
Conservative Cllr Seán Woodward, Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council, said: “Daedalus airfield is a vital asset to our community and it is important to ensure that we make the most of it in a way that serves the present and future needs of both businesses and residents.
“We are making significant investment in the airfield and providing space for business to invest and develop with access to a new runway. People can train at CEMAST, set up and expand their businesses all in one place.”
To view the Vision and outline strategy please visit www.fareham.gov.uk Go to ‘M’ for Meeting – Executive – 13 July 2015.
Direct link to Vision and Outline strategy: http://moderngov.fareham.gov.uk/documents/s12844/july-r06-aw-appa-Daedalus%20Vision%20and%20Strategy.pdf
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