Two very lively CAT meetings were held in the 1st Sarisbury Scout Hut at Burridge on Friday. Over 150 people from Burridge and Swanwick attended the meetings to talk about the consultation by Fareham Borough Council on the 2036 draft Local Plan.
Most of the questions were centred on a possible allocation of 150 houses at Rookery Farm recycling centre proposed by Raymond Brown with access to Swanwick Lane and Botley Road. I am very unhappy at the thought of an access onto Swanwick Lane if any development does go ahead here. A roundabout on Botley Road opposite Rookery Avenue would be the best solution. Originally hundreds of houses were proposed however the site is very constrained by landfill and the orchard hence the limit to 150 on the existing industrial part of the site.
Comments need to be with the Council by 1st March. https://www.fareham.gov.uk/…/loc…/localplanconsultation.aspx