I was interested to meet Fareham Borough Council town security team recently.
The two town centre security officers started their roles in Fareham town centre in January 2020 as part of our StreetAid initiative. Their role is to keep Fareham’s streets safe. This involves foot patrols of the town centre, removing any drug paraphernalia and moving on any rough sleepers. They are establishing a good rapport with regular rough sleepers, directing them to get the help they need.
Last week the security officers dealt with 34 cases of antisocial behaviour – this includes shoplifting, drunkenness and drug use. They dealt with 9 cases of rough sleeping during that week and offered support.
The security officers have been employed following two Community Action Team meetings, where businesses and residents told us they wanted more done to tackle drug taking in public places.
Since the security officers have started their roles a number of residents have attended the Civic Offices to say thank you for employing them, noting the positive difference they have made, and describing them as as ‘most welcome’ and ‘brilliant’.