Fareham Borough Council has agreed to launch a COVID-19 Special Grants programme to help reduce the financial strain on smaller organisations in Fareham that may have struggled througout the pandemic and not yet been able to access funding.
Charitable and voluntary organisations will be able to apply online for a quick and easy one-off payment of £250 to help address some of the unprecedented financial pressures they have experienced due to Coronavirus.
Applications from charitable, voluntary and community groups must demonstrate that they meet all of the following criteria to qualify for the grant:
•Provide a community service to residents in the Borough of Fareham.
•Need the requested funding to help meet additional core-running costs, or to cover lost income experienced as a direct result of the COVID-19 restrictions.
•Supply a copy of their constitution and annual accounts.
•Provide evidence that they are a ‘not for profit’ organisation.
•Confirm that no alternative funding source is available to meet the identified needs.
The grant will not be available to profit making organisations, organisations with large reserves or to those organisations that have already received funding from Fareham Borough Council during the pandemic.
Whilst many of the larger community organisations with premises have benefitted from the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant, many smaller community organisations and voluntary groups have had no access to external financial support. We hope that this grant will help those smaller organistions meet some of the additional costs that the pandemic has caused them, such as loss of income, the provision of extra Personal Protective Equipment and cleaning materials.”
The Council has ring-fenced £30,000 from the existing Community Funding Budget which will enable 120 groups and organisations to benefit from the funding.
For more information, or to make an application, please visit