The Fareham Borough Council Citizen of Honour Awards 2020 are now open
This year we celebrated some amazing Fareham heroes – and we want to do the same again for the 2020 awards.
People can be nominated for:
🔸Showing outstanding bravery
🔸Regularly helping others at school/college
🔸Coping with something life changing
🔸Giving unpaid voluntary service to benefit the community
🔸Giving up their time to help look after the local environment
🔸Caring for an individual with a debilitating condition or long-term illness
🔸Or simply for having done something amazing that deserves recognition!
There are two age categories; under 18 and over 18!
This year we’ve upped the stakes! Winners will receive a £100 anytime send voucher and a Citizen of Honour badge from The Mayor of Fareham!
So, what are you waiting for – nominate your hero here ➡️, or by calling 📞01329 824310